The Four Quarters of

EEA Communication

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: I saw EEA at an Expo and I want to learn more. Who can I talk to and how do I contact them?

A: If you’ve provided your contact details to the EEA through a QR code or similar, there’s a high chance you’ll be contacted by our Student Recruitment Lead, Jess Fitzpatrick, before you can get in touch (she’s pretty competitive). However, if you’re wanting to connect sooner, you can contact us via email (direct to, on socials (@essendoneducationacademy), or contact us via our website.

Q: I received my two offers via email from RMIT for the Diploma of Business and Diploma of Leadership and Management. What happens now?

A: Congratulations! It is important in this step to ensure you accept both offers. This will admit you into the Dual Diploma program. You are now considered active in the program, and all communication from RMIT for next steps will go to your RMIT student email address. The next step will be to begin enrolling in your subjects for the year!

Q: I’ve submitted my application through the RMIT website and I can’t WAIT to hear back. How long does the admissions process usually take? Who can I talk to if it’s taking longer than expected?

A: Once you have submitted your application, you should hear back from RMIT with an outcome within 2 business days. If you don’t hear anything back, please contact Student Recruitment Lead, Jess Fitzpatrick via email ( to get this process moving!

Q: I’ve been denied a place in the program (during the admission phase). Why would this happen and what can I do about it?

A: It is important during the admissions phase to ensure all required supporting documents for your application are uploaded correctly via RMITs application portal. These documents include:

  • Certificate of year 12 completion

  • Vocational Major Certificate

  • Resume

  • Personal ID Documents (birth certificate, passport, drivers licence)

If you have uploaded these documents correctly and receive an email notifying you that the application was denied, feel free to contact Student Recruitment Lead, Jess Fitzpatrick, directly to help navigate what may need to be included. If you notice one of the above documents wasn’t uploaded, you will need to log in and start a new application and re-submit your details.

You are also required to upload a personal statement highlighting why you wish to complete this specific course. On occasion, prospective students are denied a place in the program through the admissions phase due to an inadequate personal statement, so we recommend paying attention to this step. As mentioned above, if you are denied because of this, you’re able to restart the application process and upload a different personal statement in your subsequent application.

A note on VET student loan applications: While there’s no ATAR requirement for the program, students are required to complete a BKSB (Basic Key Skills Builder) English and Maths test at the beginning of their diploma and get a minimum score of Level 3 (working at a Level 4), to be eligible for a VET student loan.

Q: I can’t seem to enrol in the courses. Why would this be?

A: The reason could be due to unresolved student debt, so ensure you have paid your student amenities fees or any outstanding debt (e.g. library overdue fees). Your enrolment may have been cancelled by RMIT due to missed VSL progression notices (two in a row). If you do not believe either of these scenarios are true for you, please contact Jeremy Glover or a member of the RMIT Enrolments Team to investigate further.


Q: I put my hand up for a placement opportunity that I can no longer do. What do I do?

A: Placement should be treated as a job trial and approached in a professional manner. A number of our placement departments are reliant on your involvement, so if something comes up and you’re no longer able to attend, it is critical you communicate this with the right people as soon as possible.

If you know you’re unable to follow-through with your placement opportunity with more than a day’s notice, you must follow the below steps:

  1. 1Contact your placement host and advise them you’re unable to attend with a reason why, so they organise alternative arrangements.

  2. Send an email to with a reason as to why you’re unable to attend.

Accepted reasons include:

  • Injury and/or illness

  • Personal family/friend emergency

  • A situation that prohibits you to attend placement that is outside of your control

Unacceptable reasons for withdrawing from placement include: “I can’t be bothered”, “I slept in”, “I forgot”, “I’m no longer interested in that department/sport”, etc. These reasons may prohibit you from participating in placements moving forward.

Q: I keep nominating for placement opportunities but I never seem to get them. What am I doing wrong?

A: Have you successfully completed your AFL Accreditation Modules, received approval of your Working With Children’s Check AND provided EFC/EEA Staff with a copy of the approval? This is the most common issue that prevents/delays students engaging in placement opportunities.

Have you been attending class? Our placement opportunities are designed to compliment your experience and professional development, not replace the coursework. To be eligible for placement opportunities, we require evidence of progress and attendance to class.

Maddy works extremely hard to create equal opportunity for all eligible EEA students, so if you haven’t been assigned your preferred placement opportunity yet and are unsure why, please ask. It may simply be related to creating equal opportunity across the year, but there may be other opportunities available or other reasons that can be addressed.

Q: I need an extension on an assignment. Who do I ask?

A: Your teacher is the first point of call, and if, for some reason, they are unable to help, Jeremy Glover (Program Manager) is your back-up contact. Assignments are all handled by RMIT staff, not EEA staff.

Q: I have an idea for a placement opportunity that could benefit multiple students. Who should I tell?

A: Your EEA Student Experience Coordinator and EEA Manager are always eager to hear your ideas. We may not always be able to make them happen, but we will always listen and try to bring your ideas to life.

Q: I work in the sport industry already, can I count my work hours as placement?

A: While it’s great to hear you’re already working in the industry, placements are designed to provide you with new work experiences and are conducted on a voluntary basis.

Q: Can I use the Hangar at lunch today?

A: The Hangar is a space that is commonly used by many staff/players throughout the week, which can often mean we are unable to utilise this space. Maddy will post on Deputy by 11am that morning if the Hangar is available for use that day. Without this post, you’re unable to use this space.

Q: What happens if I fail a course within the semester?

A: If you fail a unit, you will have to complete the unit again to be eligible to graduate with the Dual Diploma. Units are only run in one semester each year, so if you fail a subject in Semester 1, for example, you will have to re-enrol in Semester 1 the following year, as the unit will not run in Semester 2. Failing a unit does not impact your eligibility to enrol in the following semester’s units (i.e. units do not act as pre-requisites for other units within the dual diploma). Re-enrolling in a unit will incur further fees, so it is in your best interest to seek help early in the semester if you feel as though you are falling behind. The teachers are always willing to help those who put in the effort and will do their best to get you across the line if you also do your best to get yourself across the line.


We don’t have any FAQs for this theme. If you do have any questions that aren’t answered in the communication expectations and processes document, please don’t hesitate to ask, and we will help you as best we can.


Q: Will the EEA send me job opportunities to apply for at the end of the year?

A: Not necessarily, so we encourage you to be proactive in shaping your next steps. We will share opportunities that come across our inbox and can point you in the right direction of where to look for jobs, however with a diverse range of career opportunities available to graduates, the most efficient next step is for you to take ownership of your next step and seek out opportunities for employment.

Q: Can I put anyone from the EEA or RMIT staff as a referee on my job applications?

A: EEA and RMIT staff are more than likely going to be very happy to be listed as a referee for future job applications, but it’s always important to ask your potential referee if they’d be willing to be one before you list their name on an application. Additionally, we encourage you to think about listing a referee who would be best situated to talk to the relevant skills/knowledge/experience you’ve demonstrated that are specific to the job you’re applying for.

Q: Will the EEA want to contact me after I’ve graduated?

A: Yes! We would love to see where your career takes you and what your next steps are, so we will likely reach out within the first 12 months after graduation to see what you’ve been up to since completing the course. We love hearing graduate success stories, so even if you don’t hear from us, please tag EEA on LinkedIn and/or socials if you share any awesome career updates or experiences.

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